5 Tips For Setting Intentions To Set Yourself Up For Success
Do you ever feel like you set goals for yourself, but end up not putting enough energy into them to actually be able to reach them? You may have big dreams and big plans that never see the light of day after you initially think of them because you aren’t setting your intentions properly.
What even is “intention setting”? It’s pretty much when you deliberately and mindfully direct your energy into your desires and your goals. I don’t just mean “manifesting” them and hoping they happen (although manifesting is part of it) - I more so mean putting thought into identifying them, how you can realistically achieve them, and staying on track, for that matter.
It’s more than just simply setting goals. Taking time to set your intentions can be a powerful strategy to help increase your chances of success.
Here are some tips for setting your intentions.
Be specific and clear
You need to be as specific and concise with your goals as possible. Being too broad or vague greatly decreases your chances of actually achieving your goals.
For example, instead of saying you want to be healthier, try specifying exactly what you want and why you want it. Maybe you want to be physically stronger so you can easily lift the groceries out of your car without breaking a sweat. Maybe you want to eat more fruits and vegetables so your stomach doesn’t hurt as much throughout the day. Whatever it is, try to zone in on the specifics so you can easily take action and track your progress.
2. Visualize your intentions
Work on visualizing your goals and desires. There’s a reason people tend to create “vision boards” at the beginning of the year. This is a form of visualizing intentions. If you’re not super craftsy and don’t want to DIY your own vision board, you can simply write (or type) out your intentions. If you’re a spiritual person like me, you can meditate on them. Just pick what inspires you the most and will keep it ingrained in your mind when you need an extra boost of motivation.
3. Reflect
This one is IMPORTANT! Constantly do some self-reflection throughout your journey to ensure that you still align with your intentions. As you push toward your goals and desires, things may change as you go. You might realize that you aren’t as interested in it anymore. It’s okay to modify them as you go. As you reflect more, you’ll figure out what it is you truly want and why. This is a significant step in setting your intentions because you don’t want to continue working toward things that you don’t really align with or want anymore.
4. Create actionable steps
Setting intentions is great, but creating steps to take to help get you there is key. You can’t just say you want something and expect it to happen - you have to put your energy into it and actually take action. Give yourself something to work toward by taking baby-steps. It doesn’t have to be major moves - it just needs to help you move the needle.
Be specific with the actions you need to take and set deadlines for yourself. Breaking it all down and being organized will make it much more manageable. It’s okay if you don’t have a full plan - just start one step at a time to move you closer to your goals.
5. Be creative
Don’t box yourself in. There’s no right or wrong way to set your intentions. Just make sure you align with them. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing - just focus on what makes the most sense to you and what you want. And make sure you dream BIG. even if it feels unattainable right now, it doesn’t mean that it is. You can go after anything you want.
Be sure to set your intentions in a creative way as well - if that’s something that suits you. For example, you can do spells or moon rituals to set them. Using magic and my spiritual side are some of my favorite ways to set my intentions in a fun way that works for me. It keeps me inspired and aligned.
There are so many ways to set your intentions. It’s really up to you and what you prefer. These are just some of my tips that can help increase your chances of success. But, just make sure to do things that make you feel excited. The best way to set your intentions is whatever way keeps you consistent. You just have to make sure to keep your focus and continue to put your energy into what you want. You’d be surprised how much you can achieve and attract when you put more thoughtful energy into your desires.